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Week 7 Final Presentation

Developing Idea At the at of this stage, we were mainly working on developing the concept and preparing the presentation. Our final...

Week 6 Art Funds

Summing up all the previous feedback, I suggested that this week we need to work on two burning issues that have been annoying us for 2...

Week 5 Cultural Activity

According to previous week's feedback, we realized that our music idea had problems both in incorporating blockchain technology and in...

Week 4 Cultural Music Mashup

Research Synthesis This week, our group carried on analyzing our field research "share your culture", we mapped key images on the Miro...

Week 3 Exploring In Brixton

Mapping Metaphor Theories In this week's reading: Understanding Problem Framing through Research into Metaphors1, demonstrated learning...

Week 2 Blockchain of Care

The Features of Brixton Ines and Manali had an exploration in Brixton during the weekend and shared key findings with us, which included...

Week 1 - Desk Research

Brief: Design a way to materialise the blockchain Teammates: Gabrielle Bennett, Ines Yin, Manali Panchal Context In this Unit, our group...

Blog: Blog2
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