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  • Writer's pictureSvaney

Week 5 Cultural Activity

According to previous week's feedback, we realized that our music idea had problems both in incorporating blockchain technology and in adapting to local characteristics. As we realised this direction was not working, we took some time off and started brainstorming individually.

Brainstorming by team

Regarding the first question: attach blockchain to the design, Ines proposed to make a form to map the idea with each element of blockchain, referring to the relation mapping shown in Understanding Problem Framing through research into Metaphors1. This method allowed us visually aware of why blockchain is lacking in our concept.

As for the second issue, our group moved from the idea of remixing random songs to cultural collaboration in Brixton and finalised an on keeping the blockchain-based music technology that will enable a fair distribution of royalty, tracking and securing the ownership of music rights. In this idea, the transactions stored in the blockchain are the exchange of people’s talents in the form of audio or video files.

Idea visualisation, texts by Ines and sketch by Svaney

Manali made the diagrams for explaining the blockchain technology into our idea.

Speed Dating and Feedback

We presented our ideation on the table, explained what we were thinking, and gave them their direct thoughts on the concept. The speed dating method helped us better as direct communication makes everyone attentive to listen and think about it.

Participants questioned us about many aspects that we didn't consider before which helped us to think widely. For example: could this activity combine online and offline modes? How we could get Brixton people on board for the experience? How to protect user privacy if all the recordings are unable to delete? These questions are still the ones that need to be thought about for further upgrading and realizing the idea.

Feedback from other groups, notes by Svaney

Meeting with TARR

Our collaborators Charlie and Clive from TARR also gave us some suggestions during our weekly meeting with them. By summarizing all feedback, we have sorted out the most important task that we need to ideate in the next stage: 'make it real', responding to the brief, we need to design the experience that people can participate in, benefit from it as well as understand blockchain in this system.

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