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Week 7 - Final Presentation

An Interactive Moodboard Following the advice from the partner and tutors, we all agreed that mood boards could help us illustrate our...

Week 6 Improvement

User Testing Inspired by feedback, this week our group started to test our prototype among people from different backgrounds. Below are...

Week 5 - Silk Road

Explore More Potential Interactions As our drumming idea was encouraged by participants last week, we hoped to incorporate more objects...

Week 4 - Escaping Room

Synthesis Through the previous three weeks of research and prototyping, our goal seemed to become clear: to create a story containing...

Week 3 - Interactive Exhibits

Research Through Design Online collaboration facilitates the development of critical thinking (Cortázar et al, 2021), This could be...

Week1&2 - Research

Brief: Devise a sensory, embodied experience of V&A's online collection. Teammates: Ines Yin, Sanya Nayar, Sylvester Liu Context In this...

Blog: Blog2
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